Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Graduation and Earl Johnson Nomination!

Last Sunday 16th May I had the privilege of graduating 1st year BSSM with a nomination for the ‘Earl Johnson award’ (an award for people who exhibit the lifestyle, character and qualities of a revivalist). It was an honor to graduate first year at this amazing college (along with 740+ fellow students) but an extra honor for me to be recognised by my classmates and pastor as a nominee for the Earl Johnson award! I was really humbled when I received the email from Crystal (my revival group pastor) because of the calibre of revivalists in my class of 80. Crystal also asked me to preach at our last revival group meeting for 10min which was an incredible honor and also a lot of fun! I preached on "Intimacy with God" and the River from Ezekiel. Taff and Jaden even came to support me, which was soo good! Thanks baby! I feel a lot of favour from God in this environment at BSSM, and I know that we are here for a purpose. Check out the graduation photos on Facebook too!

Zeke & the Miracle at the Park!

A few weeks ago I took Zeke to my Thursday 'Treasure Hunt' outreach. This is an outreach where we all get together, pray and ask God for 'words of knowledge' and then head down the street to bring the Kingdom of Heaven. Before hand, I really felt that we should go to a local park, where a lot of the homeless people hang out (I wanted to meet up with a man name Billy who had been healed the week earlier at the Pub) As I was praying I also saw a picture of a leg/knee and so I knew that God possibly wanted to heal someone with a sore knee.

When we arrived at the park, Billy was no-where to be seen, however I saw a beautiful elderly black man limping through the park. So we knew that we had to go and pray for him. We approached him and he told us that his name was KW. We asked him if we could pray for him. He had a paralysed left leg and said he would love our prayers. So we prayed for him and commanded his nerves to be healed and come alive, and he said “Wow something is happening! It feels a lot better!” So we got him to walk and he said “Yes its improving.” So then I asked Zeke to come and pray for him. So Zeke just said a one line prayer like “Jesus I pray you come and heal KW’s leg…make it better.” And instantly KW rocked backwards a bit (under the power of the Holy Spirit) and then exclaimed “Oh my goodness…all the swelling just left my knee! All the swelling just left my knee!” We were blown away by God's goodness! And then as all this was happening a guy who was standing in the distance wandered over to us, his name was Chris.

We asked if he would like for us to pray for him, he had a sore jaw and swollen gums and also was drugged out from the drugs he was on. He said "Yes!". So we got KW to pray for him and instantly pain began to leave his jaw and the Holy Spirit fell on him in the park! We then prayed for him again and he instantly became sober! Then I felt led to ask him about his father and if he had a father who abused him... he said "Yes" So we prayed with him to forgive his father and then did some SOZO with him, so he could encounter Jesus. We stayed with Chris for another 20minutes praying for him and blessing him, he eventually gave his life to Jesus right there on the spot! He said to us "I have been wanting to make this decision for 7 years!" I got another word of knowledge about a "Lucy" When I asked him, he said "I have a daughter named "Lacy" I said "close enough" so we prayed for his daughter and blessed him some more!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

School of Worship

I'm in!

This week I completed my application for the School of Worship. Within 2 days it was processed and I had my confirmation letter saying I was accepted. I'm totally excited about it!

The School of Worship is a 3 week course beginning on June 15. It's an interactive and hands on course for musicians, artists, dancers, sound tech and more. I have applied for the Worship Leading/Prophetic Song elective. I am looking forward to learning all I can and being stretched. It's also a great opportunity for me to work a little bit with other musicians from around the world.

So only 5 weeks till I go to school! (Provided my fees are paid, and that they let us back into the country early :) - please pray!)

Woohoo! Love you all.