Friday, March 12, 2010

So what's the plan?

It's only 2 months till Dave will graduate from 1st year at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministries. So what's our plan?

Well, initially we thought we'd be coming back to Australia...but only to get our visas and head back in time for 2nd year. We've realised, after much discussion and differing information, that we can go into Canada and apply for our visas there. We have also found out that we can enter back in the US anytime (opposed to just 30 days prior to school starting), due to the fact that Dave is returning to the same course of study. As much as we'd love to see friends and family, it is much more efficient financially to do it this way. It also allows us to enjoy some time exploring the country and enjoy a SUMMER! Woohoo! :) Not too keen on the idea of leaving winter here just to face winter in Australia. So we'll travel into Canada with some Aussie friends and perhaps spend a couple of weeks exploring Canada, Washington and Oregon. We'll also enjoy the HOT summer here in Redding, spending time at the lakes, and in our neighbours pool! :)

The other reason for not returning to Australia is so I (Taff) can attend the School of Worship. This is a 3 week intensive over the summer (obviously the US summer :) ). I am so excited to be able to spend those weeks soaking up all I can, so I can continue to grow in the area of prophetic worship. I so believe in the power of worship and what it can release into people's lives.

We're also looking forward to visits from family and friends while Dave's on the summer break. We'll possibly try and rent out our spare room (currently occupied by our boarders) during the summer, or at least during the school of worship, just to help cover the rent. (We love our house and we don't want to lose it! It's such a blessing in so many ways - to us and all who consider it a second home :) ).

With all this info we'd love you to pray for us! Firstly, we need the finances to be able to pay for visas and 2nd year school fees, as well as the fees for the school of worship. (I'm also believing that God will provide a digital keyboard for me! I'm biting at the bit to be able to play and worship at home, and record songs onto the Mac.) Secondly, pray that the visa process will be quick and hassle free. Thirdly, we'd love you to keep praying for us to continue to learn and grow, and see God use us supernaturally to see MANY lives saved, healed and delivered. We can't wait to pass on what we are learning!

We love you all and thank you sooo much for your prayers and support! We are learning so much and changing continually! The love of God is soooo amazing!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mozambique Update

Here's an email I received yesterday updating what the team have been up to already! I also spoke to Dave this morning (he called for Zeke's birthday) and he is very excited about what's been happening!

Just a quick update from our Bethel Mozambique team to say hello and
thank you for all your support and prayers! We arrived in Mozambique
yesterday after some lengthy but wonderful travel together- much fun
and bonding and ministry as well from flight to flight! We are all
healthy, happy and well adjusted.
The solid three weeks of rain they’ve been experiencing in Mozambique
stopped as soon as we arrived, and we’ve certainly been enjoying the
beautiful African sun-you can join us in agreeing that the sun will
shine throughout our whole time here!
We have a wonderfully musically inclined team of such worshippers and
we have already seen the life and joy and refreshing brought to the
people and even the land itself as we worship together! It’s also a
great ministry tool- the universal language indeed!
We’ve already had some beautiful spontaneous times of ministry in
local villages where we have enjoyed playing, singing and dancing with
the people and children, praying for anyone who is sick and rejoicing
as people who came to us saying they had pain throughout their whole
body light up as they report all the pain is gone. One woman asked for
prayer because she wanted to be free of her alcohol addiction, and it
was such a privilege to watch Jesus lift the shame and heaviness off
her, and minutes later to see her leading others in songs of worship
with such light radiating from her eyes! One man was completely healed
of the pain and constriction in his chest—and then those who received
healing began praying with us for others who needed healing! We got to
prophesy life and leadership into a couple of the men and afterwards
you could see in their disposition that they were rising up in their
identities as protectors and leaders among their community.
We’ll be ministering at the clinic, prisons and churches in the days
to come- teaching, praying for the sick, feeding the people. We
appreciate your continued prayers for ministry that yields lasting
fruit, people to come into the kingdom of His marvelous light, and
radical transformation in the lives of us all- our team, the
missionaries here, as well as the people of Mozambique!

Thank you so much for you love and prayers!
Bethel Mozambique Team

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Departing for Mozambique

Dave's departure for Mozambique began at midnight last night. The group left full of anticipation about what God was going to do through them on their trip. Again we want to say a huge 'thank you' to everyone who is supporting this trip. Dave was able to purchase a steel string guitar, a digital camera, soccer balls, a whole stack of art supplies and other activities to bless the mission in Mozambique. On top of this, he still had around $1000 to donate to the mission. He hopes to implement a lending system with this money so local people can borrow an amount of money to start a business. They would then pay this money back as the business generated an income for them. He heard of this idea from other missionaries who had set up a similar thing in Africa that worked amazingly. It's very exciting to think that we can sow into the community over a long period of time.

The idea of Dave being away for 2 weeks could be a little daunting, however I am blessed with amazing kids and so many offers of help! Lots of people have offered to help look after the kids, cook meals, or just hang out! (Oh, and the amazing generosity of our friends lending me money as Dave left with the bank cards which is our only access to finance!! :) ). I feel very loved!

Things to pray for over this time:
Dave left feeling a little unwell - please pray that he arrives refreshed and healthy, and with no jet lag!
Pray for miracles of salvation, healing and deliverance while they are there! Pray that God would work through them in ways that would have a lasting effect on the community.
Pray for myself and the kids that we would have an amazing time together to help the time pass quickly! Also pray for health, for Jaden in particular. He's has the start of croup which I'm believing will not progress, but instead leave his body.

Thanks sooo much for all your support and prayers! God is amazing!!!!