Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God Heals Through Prophetic Art!

For my first ever prophetic art painting during worship at church, I painted a picture a silhouette of a mans face and the Holy Spirit like a lion roaring into their ear. The person was holding 'the harvest' and had a bracelet with life around their wrist. I remember at the time feeling that Holy Spirit wanted me to pain a wave of water going up and touching the persons ear. I felt that God was going to heal peoples ears.

After worship, I presented this painting to an elderly man named Earnest and he was prophecied over by another team member. Then at the end of the meeting A lady named “Gramma” who I had met at the front desk, came up and said that she suffered from Tinnitus and ringing in her ears.

So I released the testimony of a friend who had been healed of that condition and said “I think God wants to do it again!” As we began to pray, what was like a huge wave of the spirit, literally surged upon us and dumped on us! JUST LIKE THE PAINTING!!! It felt like a huge wave was crashing over us! I was holding the womans head as she arched back…(I have never seen a granny arch that far back!) I was getting knocked over too! She was like 65-70 years and arched back so far, that a teenager luckily caught her before she fell to the ground.

While she was down, God kept pouring over both her and me!. Then she got up, and I asked “how are you feeling?” she said “I cant tell until I go out of the room.” So I told her to come back and tell me if she hadn’t been healed because God wanted to heal her. She came back later to tell me “Guess what! I have been completely healed!” I didnt realise how cool it was, until I spoke to a few friends who told me that Tinnitus (ringing in the ear) is right up there with deafness as being incurrable and that people have suicided because of it!) Anyways God is AMAZING and he wants to heal today!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Zeke's Business & Trampoline Miracle!

Zeke came to me (Dave) during the summer and said "Daddy, I want to get some more toys!" So I said to him "Ok, well then you will have to start a business!". Zeke (3) looked at me with those big gaping 'Why' eyes and said "Daddy, what's a business?" So I told him how it worked and then he said "Daddy, I want a trampoline!" I drew up a chart (that he could colour in each time) and we made a goal of how much we wanted to make roughly. Then we proceeded to see what opportunities were around him to make this happen?

Zeke and I ended up negotiating with Mike and Bec (our amazing Aussie friends) for Zeke to move some wheelbarrows of bark (at the lucrative price of $1 per wheelbarrow) from one part of the property to the other, so they could plant turf.

So for the next 2 weeks roughly, Zeke and I got up early, had a quick bite for breakfast and headed out to aim to shovel 10 wheelbarrows (before the hot sun came out!) Zeke also managed to con-vince Mikes two kids to work for him. So the four of us shovelled (the kids used broom and shovels) After all of this, Zeke ended up shovelling 45 wheelbarrows, with the help of his cheap labour and dad!

Then we prayed for a miracle... and God came through! On Craigslist (a second hand on-line community selling website) we found a brand new trampoline (without a mat) for $45!!! This was an incredible price, as they retailed for $280 new with a mat (the mats were $90) So we grabbed this one... but then we had no mat.

Then a friend of ours Satch, dropped in one morning and announced to Taff and Zeke that his friends had heard the story and given him $150 for a mat!!! So Zeke had more than enough to buy a mat, pay his Tithe and his cheap labourers! Praise God that he is a generous God!

Zeke's Resurrection from the dead!

A friend of Dave's began to teach him about planting a vegetable garden. So Dave took up the challenge and made a garden with strawberries, basil, oregano, lettuce, tomatoes and a capsicum plant.

All of these went well, except for the lettuce seeds (which Zeke washed away in the early days!)
and the capsicum plant. It shot out 2 capsicums, but then died suddenly, withering into a yellow semi dry organism. Dave thought "Oh well! there we go again! maybe I am just not a gardener after all!" The plant was like this for weeks.

Then one morning while Dave was undertaking his usual ritual of watering the plants... Zeke came out in his pajamas. He then walked straight up to the capsicum plant, bent down and began to extend his hand and pray over the plant! Dave just stood there watering mouth gaping wide open! Then Zeke walked back inside! Dave said "Zeke did you just pray for the plant?" and he replied "Yes". Two weeks later the plant re-shot out of the top and has now produced two new capsicums and some more on the way!!! Praise God that He is a God who raises the dead! and does it through a child! Go Zeke!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

life is relationships

I know that Dave has already shared about the power of community, but I (Taff) wanted to share about some of my personal journey with this.

Prior to coming to Bethel, I thought I was a fairly transparent person. I have since realised how much I wasn't. Rather, I was trying to fit into the idea of what I thought was expected of me - as a person, a friend, and especially a leader. I felt I always had to be strong; that despite tough times I could still keep it together. I felt I always had to have something to say, something to share or teach. But I've learnt that it's ok to show your weaknesses and allow other people to see what's going on in your life. It's ok not to have something to say, but to just be with people and share life with them. Let me try to explain more.

Many times back in Australia, we would joke around with our friends about 'living in community'. I always rejected the idea. Who would really want to live with other people? Sharing everything? Even the messy times? Not me! However, I eventually got to the point where I said to our closest friends that I could POSSIBLY live with them. Little did I know that these conversations were preparation for what we would be doing here in the US.
As we were looking for housing, Dave threw out the idea of having people rent with us to help cover costs. I didn't take to the idea initially due to the size of the houses we were looking at. When we found the house we are now in, I just knew it was perfect - and even perfect for having roomies! (Admittedly, the size of our house in Australia was not good for extra people so I think the idea of living with people in a small house really didn't gel with me!) So it was an easy decision (one that had a lot of grace on it) to have people live with us.
The first person to join our house was Tim. He and his girlfriend (now wife - yay!) were the perfect people to have around. They became amazing friends - and have had to put up with my transition into loving community! They've seen the good, the bad and the ugly - and they still seem to love me. They, and our other roomies, have endured the journey I have been on about being real with people and being ok with people seeing the mess in my life. They've also helped me to learn brave communication (openly talking about concerns etc).

We also have other amazing friends that have journeyed through this with us (me in particular). Our house became the place where people hang out - and we love it. Many of our close friends are Aussies - so good ol' Aussie humour was never left out at any gathering. At times I felt like some of my 'stronger and perhaps not so likable' characteristics became the brunt of many jokes. Ones that have been brought to my attention plenty of times over the years. After a while I had to check - was this really an issue or is it simply a joke (and I was a good bite :) )? I couldn't just hold it in anymore. I had to find out. This is where relationship really started...I began to open up and ask questions. I learnt that yep, at times I over stepped the boundaries, but I was still loved for who I was. I could be around these people, show my weaknesses, and still be accepted and loved. I didn't need to be strong and in control. We have learnt more recently in our Love After Marriage workshop, that when nothing is hidden - no secrets - that's when there can be a deeper relationship. I have taken this concept on as a strength for any relationship. I can share what I'm struggling with and know that I am only going to get support, love and prayer. I can speak to a person directly about a thought or issue I may have with them, and know that that friendship will only deepen and be stronger for it. I know that by me being open and honest, allows them to feel safe and do the same. People can relate to realness! They can relate to struggles. Then, they can celebrate with you when you have success! They become a part of the journey. Every relationship - even people I just meet - I feel like I can offer more of me (the good and the bad) which will help that relationship go deeper, even just a little. Not everyone in my life will be my best friend, and I'm not saying I share my deepest darkest feelings with a person I meet for the first time, however being real just makes people feel more important (at least that's what I think).

I now look for opportunities to go deeper with people. I get a little restless if the relationship feels stagnant. And I am constantly still learning how to make this a part of my life more and more. I just read 'The Shack' (yep, finally!) over the last 24 hours (hubby away on camp!) and it just confirmed everything I'm learning about relationships. I've been wanting a 'love encounter' with Jesus, and I think I'm in the middle of it - but it doesn't look like what I thought it would. Father has been showing me his love through people, through relationships, through life! I haven't been shaking or laughing or doing anything 'abnormal'. But I have felt the love of God through relationship with people. I feel so loved right now. I have amazing friends and roomies (now we have 2 girls - but that's another story) and I am learning not to try and earn God's love by doing what I am supposed to (cause I can't), but rather just capture his love for me by being in constant relationship with him, and learning to know the voice of Holy Spirit.
My only sad point is that I wish our close friends and family were all with us to be more a part of it! Skype (and time differences) make it very hard to catch up regularly and be able to share all that's going on. I now long for greater relationships with these people.
As for me as a leader, well that's still to be tested. I've just been given an opportunity to oversee the worship for the parenting group I've been leading worship at. There's only 3 of us at the moment, but I've got a lot to learn and practice so that's plenty for now! :)

We have the amazing opportunity to sit in a culture where everyone is learning similar things about their identity and relationships, so it does make it a bit easier. There is definitely a grace for that here. However, it's not limited to here. I don't intend to leave behind what I've learnt here either! Life is relationships. With people, and God (three in one). And life is so much better this way!

Friday, August 27, 2010

One Year On...

Today it is exactly 1 year since we first set our feet on American soil; and what an amazing year it has been! Following over 14 different messages from God (like visions, bible verses, prophecies coincidences and miracles) which told us to move our family to America, has been well worth it! Our minds have been renewed and transformed, our hands equipped with powerful tools, our hearts poured into with love, and our lives filled with friendship and blessing! It certainly has been a significant year of our lives, and we wouldn't trade it for anything.

Along with this, we have seen God miraculously provide through friends and community. Last year He provided over 30,000!!! which enabled us to not only live in a country in which we were not able to work, but we have also been able to give more than in any other year of our marriage gone by!

This year we are believing for God greater intimacy with Him, are praying that we live an even more supernatural lifestyle and empower others to do the same.

Taff & I are going to be involved in the following ministries:

  • Love After Marriage Course (18 weeks) our vision is to grow our marriage into a supernatural one!
  • Leading the YMCA youth mentoring program weekly.
  • Serving in the healing rooms on Saturday mornings – Taff leading worship and Dave praying for the sick.
  • Feeding the poor on Saturday afternoons in South Park Redding. Taff and others will be doing some live music.
  • Running a prophetic home group – teaching people the power of prophecy and intimacy with Father God.
  • Travelling with Bethel leaders – activating places around the world in prophecy, healing, evangelism and revival culture.
  • Resourcing Australian families and churches for revival.

Taking on another year does come with its new challenges. Again, we face another year of no full time income. Dave is still able to work 1 day a week for SU Victoria as a resource writer, which we are so thankful for, however this doesn't come close to covering all our expenses here. The start of another year brings in quite a few large expenses also. School fees, travel insurance, missions/ministry trips, car rego, month to month living expenses etc. Now we are at a place again where we are trusting God to provide the finance for the big expenses we mentioned above. We don't like to ask for money, however we feel God wants us to show you our areas of need so you can either pray or contribute. As mentioned above, there are 3 main areas that we are in need:

1. School Fees

Dave's school fees are required to be paid in full prior to his commencement on September 7th. Already we have had a generous donation of $1000 towards this! Wow! That means we still need another $2700 to cover the remainder of his tuition fees. On the left of our blog we have listed a website that you can go to to give directly into this. (Just type in David Harvey when you're in there). Every dollar that is given through there is put directly towards the fees. However, be aware that there will be international exchange fees added to your total from your bank. If you want to avoid this, you can put money into Dave's Bendigo Bank account (also listed on the left) and we can make a transfer of a larger sum of money which limits the fees :). If you choose this option, you can send us an email or mark it on the transaction what you want the funds to be put towards

2. Missions/Ministry Trips

This year Dave has the opportunity to travel with Bill Johnson, Kris Valloton and other leaders from Bethel on Ministry Trips. However these trips cost money, for travel, accommodation and food etc. The trips he is hoping to go on will bring healing, revival and Gods power to countries around the world, as well as give Dave incredible training and mentoring with some of the worlds best travelling ministries!

3. Daily Living Expenses & Travel Insurance.

Our monthly living expenses are around $2500. We have been given enough donations over the last year to cover our daily living expenses and we are truly grateful! This is another area that you can help us with if you feel led in the coming months. Also, our travel insurance covered us for one year in the USA. Now that year is up, we need to renew our coverage ($1400 for another 12months.)

Again, please do not feel under any pressure to give. We just want to give you the opportunity to pray or sow as you feel led, knowing exactly what you are giving in to.

We keep hearing stories of people reading our blog updates and passing it on to other people to read because they are so encouraged by it. Our prayer is that over the next few months, we will be able to write about how good God has been so you can be encouraged and believe him for all your needs also! We like to release testimonies to build your faith.

Thank you again for supporting and loving us! Keep writing to us to tell us what's going on! We miss people dearly! So we like to hear about what's happening in your life! Please let us know how we can support you too - what can we pray for? how can we resource your or show you more about what we're learning? Whatever we learn, we want to pass on to you!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Power of Community

Recently we had Banning Liebiesher (Jesus Culture) preach at Bethel on the subject of the Power of Community. He talked about how Westerners read the bible through an ‘individualistic’ mindset. We looked at the bible as a list of promises and quotes to help us. But he challenged us that the bible was a ‘story’ and multiple ‘stories within stories’ of communities living with s supernatural God. Then he began to challenge us that the gospel was never designed to be worked out between ‘you and God’, but it was always designed to be worked out between ‘you, God and community’. He said that “the dreams that God has for my life and yours, are soo big, that we cannot do them by ourselves, even with God. But in order to receive the supernatural grace required to do all that God has called us to do, we need to live in community!”

Our victories are in your hands, your victories are in our hands. He went on to tell how he and his wife had been in a restaurant on ‘date night’ and were talking about his wife’s mother who had been having a difficult time at work for months. As his wife was sharing about her mothers recent battles, a spirit of faith came over Banning, and he said, “Honey, I feel like we have been given favour right now to change the atmosphere over your mothers workplace.” So as the waiter brought out the bread they began to take authority in prayer over the mothers’ workplace. Two days later, his wife called her mother, and asked “how is your workplace going?” She said “Its really strange, but two days ago, it was like the whole atmosphere changed!” God works through Community.

Your breakthrough, and mine, are in the hands of friends and family in a restaurant somewhere. As we share our loads with one another, God’s grace is poured out. Not me and God, but God, me and others.

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

It is on our hearts to journey with community and see the Gospels power released in people’ s lives. If you have would like to enter into community with us and others, we would love to hear of any situations we join with you in prayer for. Please email us on davetaff727@att.net and we would love to pray the prayer of faith and see breakthrough.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Miracles are for Today!

“As He is, so are we in this world.” This Scripture echoes the heights to which EVERY Christian or Christ filled man or woman is created to soar! It doesn’t say, “As He was”… even if it did, that would be an incredible improvement on all of Christianity today! But it takes it even further… “As He is”… Risen, Victorious over the whole earth, over all sickness, over all death. Nothing is in His way, all things are under His feet. Complete Dominion. This is how we are called to live “in this world.” Not when we get to heaven, but our position in Christ has bought for us an authority and power to bring Heaven to Earth in every circumstance, every time. Here are just a few of the miracles we have seen over the Summer as we have pursued Him.

House Purchase & Sale Miracle!

I was praying with a friend from Australia in his car (while we waited for our Chinese to cook). He was wanting to purchase a house in the US. All of a sudden, I felt faith arise and I said “God we ask you for a house within 3 days!” (it felt weird but right). Anyway within 3 days they had found a house! Which they later purchased!

Then He came to me and said, “I need to sell a property in Australia, can we pray again?” So we prayed and within a few hours he had a phone call from Australia, His house was sold!

Internet Man & Knee Healed!

We had a man from AT&T (phone company) come over to fix our internet which was playing up. While he was working on our router, I was looking after the kids, and all of a sudden I realized that I was having the words “he has a sore right knee” flash across my minds eye. So I ignored it… but it stayed with me for 20min! I realized God was wanting to heal this man, so I said “Hey, do you by any chance happen to have a sore right knee?” He turned and mouth agape said “How did you know?” I said “Oh God told me, I think he wants to heal you! Can I pray for you!” He said “Sure!” Then he opened up about how he’d been the ‘salvation target’ at an all Christian company and that he was an Atheist. I said “Hey that’s ok, lets just see what Jesus does.” So Taff and I prayed for him, and he said “It feels much better! It feels much better!” He left and thanked us soo much for praying for his knee!

Back Instantly Healed in Australia!

Recently we had some friends from Wollongong Australia visit us in the US. The wife began to share one morning that her husband was suffering from a really sore back, and was having to do lots of sitting and travelling which was causing him great pain. She asked if we could pray. So we did. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as people prayed.

2 days later she was on the phone to her husband and she asked him about how his back was going. He said “Yeah, it has been great, ever since a few days ago!” His wife asked him what day it was, and it was the exact day that we prayed! Praise God!

3 Girls Prophecied Over on a Bench!

We were out on a “Treasure Hunt” (where you ask the Holy Spirit for clues and then go out onto the streets to look and pray for the people you have been given clues for) We were drawn across the Sundail bridge towards a group of three girls sitting in the bushes overlooking the river. After talking with them, we realized that we’d had their clothing “black shirt” and “pink shirt” on our treasure map. Another clue we’d had was depression, hopelessness, giving up on life etc. Then I felt God ‘highlight’ the girl in the pink shirt, and so I asked if we could prophecy over her. She said “Yes sure”. So I prophecied as God gave me, and she said “You nailed it! Everything you said was right on!” Then she said “Can I give you a hug?” So I did. Then we prophecied over the other two girls and they were incredibly blessed too! The girls were beaming when we left, we knew that God had done something powerful in their lives.

Wedding Party Miracles of Provision…

Recently Taff and I worked out our bills and bank balance, we only had a few days before we had to pay rent and utilities and we were $100 short. So we prayed and declared God’s favour over our lives. Within a few days, some incredible boys from a mates Wedding party emailed us to tell us to look in the top drawer of Zekes wardrobe. In it was $340!!! Then we had other people dump a whole lot of food into our cupboards, and then a friend asked if he could store 50lbs of Alaskan fish and seafood in our fridge saying “help yourselves to it guys!” God truly is our source and support!

Tennis Elbow…long term healing!

I had suffered with Tennis elbow for over 2years in Australia. The doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong and all they could do was give me a cortisone shot, which only covered the pain for a few months. Anyway I went to the healing rooms when we first arrived a year ago. But there was no improvement initially. Just recently, tTaff asked me “How is your tennis elbow?” I had to think about it, and said “I think its better!” God hears every prayer we pray, and every prayer goes to work to bring heaven to earth.

Black Man & Woman Holy Spirit Encounter…

Recently we went to South Park in Redding to feed the poor with Bethels Saturday outreach teams. I met a man in a wheelchair named CW, who needed to take a meal back to his wife Beatrice. I said “I will walk with you” On the way I asked if I could pray for him and his wife. He said “sure”. So when I got into his little run down unit, I prayed with his wife. The presence of God filled the smelly little house and his wife began to cry. God touched both CW and his wife powerfully and now they want to come to church!

Monday, August 2, 2010

School of Worship

I had an amazing opportunity to attend the Bethel School of Worship for 4 weeks over June/July. I was unsure of how I was going to pay the fees to get there, but about 2 days before they were due, someone gave me the $750 I needed and a letter of encouragement! Again, I was completely blown away and amazing at how God provided. Why should I ever doubt?

From the outset they dealt with issues of the heart. One key was to get rid of the root of jealousy by encouraging the person, and prophecy over them. Kris Vallotton talked about what makes a disciple, saying it is the ability to receive correction. In order to receive more information, we need a structure to hold it. The structure is the ability to receive correction and and follow instructions. He also talked about moving to the stage of 'friend of God'. It's about relationship.
Bethel has a huge culture of honour and again this was brought into focus. They talked a lot about honouring your pastor or leaders. I really see how this works in worship teams. Honour builds relationship, which makes working with pastors and leaders much easier.
There were a few session of the science and power of sound. They showed experiments with sound that cause sand particles to form symmetrical patterns and how they change and become more intricate the higher the frequency. Everything is held together with sound vibrations. It's quite amazing to think about the power of your words, or your song, your music. It literally can cause things to change, or things to come into being. Speak, sing, make a noise about the things you want to see happen - and watch them happen!
Dan McCallum shared on the Prophetic Song. It was one of the more practical sessions. We were given keys for our walk with God. Singing in the spirit, singing with your mind, and singing with your heart. When you sing in the spirit you are singing mysteries, and the secrets of the kingdom. When you sing spontaneously with words, that revelation starts to come out. You realize what the Holy Spirit has been teaching you. When you sing no words, just sounds, you are singing with your heart. This is just a taste of what we learnt! I also learnt a lot from Christa Black in regards to songwriting, and being a worship leader and artist.
During the school, many of us had an opportunity to lead a song in an elective called Band Sessions. I was the last person on my day, and I got some great feedback from Kathy Vallotton and Will Matthews (worship leader at Bethel). This led to Kathy asking me to do a Creative Expression. I was pretty excited at first, then the 24 hours before I was riddled with nerves! I chose to do one of the songs I written and had my amazing friend, Bek, play violin with me (she is very well known in Australia for her violin skills!). It was such a privilege. It was a great opportunity for me to practice singing and playing in front of people.
I felt challenged in many ways during the school, and felt God speak things to me and lead me in the next step for various things in my life. I will definitely treasure my time at worship school.

Activating a family...of 11

On our journey back to Redding, from Canada, we stayed with an amazing family, the Lienau's. The dad, Michael, is a film maker, who is know for his film on the eruption of Mt St Helen's. Michael had got the whole family involved in the business, and they continue to produce films. Look out for a film - Joshua Clay - possibly coming out next year. (Global Net Productions/Send Rain Films).
The Lienau's have many stories to tell. They have 4 natural kids, and 5 adopted kids. They are all incredible people! They remind us a lot of the Gibbs family. Every person in the family has things that they love to do, and are encouraged to do them. They work incredibly well together and are very polite and hospitable. It was such an encouragement to see a family that loved each other, empowered each other and loved God with all their hearts. We had so much fun with them, we ended up staying 2 nights rather than one.
On our second night, they were really keen for us to prophecy over them. So, instead of us just prophesying over them, Dave decided to activate them. Dave shared a bit about what he'd learnt, and how easy it is to prophecy - just listen to the Holy Spirit and share the first thing you get (making sure it's exhortation, edification, comfort - basically just positive :) ). Everyone in the family got involved, and they prophesied over each other. It was so beautiful to see this! They were so encouraged. It's amazing just how easy it is to be activated. Just to understand how much God loves his people and wants to share all of himself with us. He wants us to encourage and build each other up. One of the best things I've learnt is if friends, family, or people in your team/church need encouraging or unifying - prophecy over them! Instantly relationship is built and unity is formed.
We loved our time on Camano Island with the Lienau's and look forward to seeing how we can help this family more in the future.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Canada & Visas

We are officially in the US for another year!
Instead of heading back to Australia to get our visas for the second year here, we decided it was easier and cheaper to head into Canada. (It also meant I could be around for worship school). So we planned a week long flying visit to Vancouver, BC with the 'other' Aussie family here, the Van Tinerens.
Contrary to my usual character, I didn't complete paperwork until a day before we were due to leave. After completing the visa forms for all of us, I then went to pay a fee (called a SEVIS fee). I realised that we hadn't been given a new SEVIS number - which is needed to pay the fee. This meant we had been given the wrong 1-20 forms (which are the forms that come from the school stating why we are in the US). After what was one of the most stressful and embarrassing days of my life, we finally got hold of someone (on a saturday) who could give us our new forms! Initially we had decided to go for a visa extension, but then changed our minds and decided just to go and get the full visa. So they had processed 2 different lots of forms for us, and we had got the extension forms rather than the new visa forms. Ahh! So it was a miracle we got it the forms. And we were able to leave for Canada the next day as planned. What a relief!
Our first day we drove to Portland where we stayed at our neighbours sisters house (have I told you just how amazing and generous our neighbours are???). We then continued the next day up to Belcarra (Vancouver) BC, Canada. Again I had made a mistake by not bringing our consulate appointment confirmation form! The border guard said we were the first people had even encountered that had not brought their form. Whoops :). Lucky he was nice; he let us through :).
On our way to our accommodation (friends of friends) we saw a baby bear hanging his paws over the side rails along the road. According to the locals, its the bear they are trying to catch cause he is getting into peoples houses - including the house we stayed at (but not while we were there thankfully!). The house is located in the most spectacular place - right on the waters edge, with the surrounding mountains in full view. Being further north, we experienced quite a late sunset (not as late as Alaska, but still late for us). It didn't get dark until around 9.45pm. The family we stayed with were beautiful! They welcomed us (as strangers) into their home. We were truly blessed.
Our visa appointment went very smoothly, and with that off our minds, we were able to enjoy the local attractions. We walked along the waters edge, went to Stanley Park, and the boys went into the Aquarium. Our conclusion - Vancouver, BC is beautiful! We look forward to returning again some day.
We had a lot of grace at the border on the way back into the US. Both families were processed together (by the nicest border guard), and we had no trouble. We celebrated our return to the US with dinner in the border town, Blaine. It was time to relax!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Graduation and Earl Johnson Nomination!

Last Sunday 16th May I had the privilege of graduating 1st year BSSM with a nomination for the ‘Earl Johnson award’ (an award for people who exhibit the lifestyle, character and qualities of a revivalist). It was an honor to graduate first year at this amazing college (along with 740+ fellow students) but an extra honor for me to be recognised by my classmates and pastor as a nominee for the Earl Johnson award! I was really humbled when I received the email from Crystal (my revival group pastor) because of the calibre of revivalists in my class of 80. Crystal also asked me to preach at our last revival group meeting for 10min which was an incredible honor and also a lot of fun! I preached on "Intimacy with God" and the River from Ezekiel. Taff and Jaden even came to support me, which was soo good! Thanks baby! I feel a lot of favour from God in this environment at BSSM, and I know that we are here for a purpose. Check out the graduation photos on Facebook too!

Zeke & the Miracle at the Park!

A few weeks ago I took Zeke to my Thursday 'Treasure Hunt' outreach. This is an outreach where we all get together, pray and ask God for 'words of knowledge' and then head down the street to bring the Kingdom of Heaven. Before hand, I really felt that we should go to a local park, where a lot of the homeless people hang out (I wanted to meet up with a man name Billy who had been healed the week earlier at the Pub) As I was praying I also saw a picture of a leg/knee and so I knew that God possibly wanted to heal someone with a sore knee.

When we arrived at the park, Billy was no-where to be seen, however I saw a beautiful elderly black man limping through the park. So we knew that we had to go and pray for him. We approached him and he told us that his name was KW. We asked him if we could pray for him. He had a paralysed left leg and said he would love our prayers. So we prayed for him and commanded his nerves to be healed and come alive, and he said “Wow something is happening! It feels a lot better!” So we got him to walk and he said “Yes its improving.” So then I asked Zeke to come and pray for him. So Zeke just said a one line prayer like “Jesus I pray you come and heal KW’s leg…make it better.” And instantly KW rocked backwards a bit (under the power of the Holy Spirit) and then exclaimed “Oh my goodness…all the swelling just left my knee! All the swelling just left my knee!” We were blown away by God's goodness! And then as all this was happening a guy who was standing in the distance wandered over to us, his name was Chris.

We asked if he would like for us to pray for him, he had a sore jaw and swollen gums and also was drugged out from the drugs he was on. He said "Yes!". So we got KW to pray for him and instantly pain began to leave his jaw and the Holy Spirit fell on him in the park! We then prayed for him again and he instantly became sober! Then I felt led to ask him about his father and if he had a father who abused him... he said "Yes" So we prayed with him to forgive his father and then did some SOZO with him, so he could encounter Jesus. We stayed with Chris for another 20minutes praying for him and blessing him, he eventually gave his life to Jesus right there on the spot! He said to us "I have been wanting to make this decision for 7 years!" I got another word of knowledge about a "Lucy" When I asked him, he said "I have a daughter named "Lacy" I said "close enough" so we prayed for his daughter and blessed him some more!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

School of Worship

I'm in!

This week I completed my application for the School of Worship. Within 2 days it was processed and I had my confirmation letter saying I was accepted. I'm totally excited about it!

The School of Worship is a 3 week course beginning on June 15. It's an interactive and hands on course for musicians, artists, dancers, sound tech and more. I have applied for the Worship Leading/Prophetic Song elective. I am looking forward to learning all I can and being stretched. It's also a great opportunity for me to work a little bit with other musicians from around the world.

So only 5 weeks till I go to school! (Provided my fees are paid, and that they let us back into the country early :) - please pray!)

Woohoo! Love you all.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Financial Miracle $1200 in 60 minutes!!!

As school is almost over, Taff and I began talking about our plans to get new visas without going back to Australia over the holidays. After applying for second year, we now had to work out travelling to Canada and purchasing some more visas for 2010/2011.
Anyways, Taff (the best wife ever!) had been at home all day working out visa applications etc and had reminded me that we needed to come up with $1200 pretty well straight away to pay for them!
I said "Baby, God has not let us down in the past. Let's just pray and leave it in his hands, He will look after us!"
So we joined hands at the table and prayed briefly, thanking God for his amazing generosity in the past, and asking him for the $1200 for our visas.
Anyway... within 60minutes there was a knock on the door. When we opened the door, there was someone standing holding a cheque for $1200 exactly!!!! It all happened so fast that I was dumbfounded!
We were both blown away by God's goodness and the persons obedience!!! God does provide for all your needs! You can trust Him for sure!

Pub Ministry Miracle!

I was at church just two nights ago, and a mate came looking for me and asked me if I wanted to go out on Friday night strikes (a weekly evening outreach ministry of Bethel into the community) I was soo honored and excited to go, so I asked my Revival Group Pastor and she said "sure go for it!"
So I joined the Pub ministry team (who didn't go out until 10pm) and we ended up at a local drinking spot that was absolutely packed full of people! (The guys on our team who were more experienced had never seen it this busy ever!)
As we entered, the music was pumping really loudly and the smell of tobacco, alcohol and weed was in the air! We were all a bit intimidated by the atmosphere and thought "how do we do supernatural ministry here?" But then we switched on. I thought to myself "well God, I'm here, I am just going to give it my best shot and go with the first thing you give me!"
Just then I noticed two men walking past me and I felt God say "The little guy has a sore foot"
So I approached the men, who were now standing at the front of the pub and said "Hey guys! My name is Dave!" After some small talk, I then proceeded to tell them "...this might sound weird, but God sometimes gives me clues for people who he wants to heal. I was wondering if either of you guys have a sore foot?" They both looked at each other and then me and replied "Nope". So I proceeded to tell them the testimony of the woman from Trader Joes whose knee was instantly healed. Then something happened.
The little guy (whose name was Billy) said "are you from Bethel?" I replied "Yes" with a smile. He then said "I do have a sore foot, its my right big toe, I have had surgery and I have lost feeling in it."
I was pumped! "Cool as!" I said excitedly "I think Jesus wants to heal you tonight! Can I pray for you?" He said "Sure" with a hesitant look.
So I knelt down and placed my hand on his shoe and prayed that Jesus would bring feeling back and restore the toe to normal. While I prayed I was amazed at this guys faith as he wiggled his toe up and down during the prayer! After I prayed he said "it feels like something is happening... it feels alot better!" So I prayed again and he said "It feels heaps better! thankyou!"
Then I asked God for a word of knowledge and then I asked "Are you good with your hands? Are you a carpenter?" To which he began to tell me that he actually was a carpenter, but because of the American recession he had lost work and was now dealing drugs, just so he could buy food for his 3 yr old boy! He said "I hate doing it! But I don't know what else to do"
So I prayed for him again and released a financial blessing over him. I am planning to meet him in the park this week, and hopefully take my 3 yr old Zeke to scooter ride with Billy and his 3 yr old! Please pray that he gets saved!!!

More Miracles! Back Healed!

Taff and I had our friend Brad come over, who is one of the guitarists at church. He was complaining of a really sore back that night and seemed to be in a lot of pain. To be honest I was feeling a bit flat and tired, as we had been coming under some attack since being back from Mozambique. I thought "I still shouldn't let my feelings or circumstances dictate whether or not I pray..." Just then, Taff piped up and said "Hey we should pray for you before you go!"
So we put our hands on his back, and commanded all pain to leave and heaven to come.
Straight away, Brad said "Geeze, its feeling a whole lot better, and I dont normally have anything happen when people pray for me! Its feeling pretty good!"
We were both amazed too! and said "Thats cool as!"
Taff spoke to Brad in the morning and he said that he'd had a pain free night, and that his back was completely better in the morning!!!" Praise God!

Miracles Breaking Out Since Coming Back!

Shopping Trip & Woman's Knee Healed!
It was Thursday (about 1 week after mission trip) and I was on my way home.
I called Taff and asked her if she wanted me to get anything from the supermarket. She said "can you grab some milk?".
So I headed to our store called 'Trader Joes', and on the way I felt to ask God "Who do you want me to minister to God?" He said "There will be a woman with a green bag, and a sore left knee.". It was fairly clear, so I thought "lets go for it!"
But then when I entered the shop, I switched into shopping mode, and completely forgot about what he'd told me to do!
It was only after I'd exited the shopping centre with my bottle of milk, that there right in front of me, was the biggest green bag I'd ever seen! and it had a lovely lady attached to it! :)
She was enrolling to vote, so I waited kind of awkwardly for her to finish, then as she got up to go into the store, I raced up to her and said "...excuse me...this might sound kind of weird, but God sometimes gives me clues that relate to people because he wants to heal them..." She smiled at me and said "yes". Then I said "well, when I was in the car God told me, that I would meet a woman with a green bag, who would have sore knees... do you have sore knees?" She said "Sore what?" Then I replied "Sore knees" with a smile. She said "Yes I do" and I replied "Would it be your left knee by any chance?" And she said "Why yes it is!". "Cool" I said "I think Jesus wants to heal you today!"
So I asked her if I could pray for her then and there, and she said "Sure". So I took her out of the way of traffic and prayed for her knee to be healed. After I'd prayed, I asked her how it felt. I said "Can you test it out?" So she did, and to her surprise (and partially mine) she said "All pain is gone! I had a really bad cramping pain in it, and its gone! Thankyou soo much!"
I walked away, so full of joy and so excited about what Jesus just did because I asked him a simple question and had a go!

Divine Business Opportunity

Before going to Mozambique, I prayed I felt to pray for extra finances, so that we could establish some long term influence in the region. Just before the trip, God had blessed us with $4000 extra money for the trip!

This meant we could purchase Tracey Evans a new guitar for her worship outreaches, a camera, so she could begin to take photos of her ministry and raise awareness, and also some money for some bibles for the pastors and leaders who were getting saved.

I had an idea before I left that just stayed with me, about investing into helping a Mozambique local to start a business, with the goal of them paying it forward and helping someone else achieve their dream.

So I prayed and said “God if you want us to invest in a local business person, give me a divine appointment.”

Sure enough, the divine appointment came 5 days before the end of our trip. Shiela (our new interpreter from Zimbabwe) and I were talking at a market when she began to tell me about a business idea that she had. Her idea was to start the first Mozambique Peanut Butter factory! Because no one in the whole of Mozambique makes peanut butter! They have to get it imported from South Africa.

When I told Tracey Evans of the idea, she said “That’s the best idea that I’ve heard in ages! We could farm the peanuts for her and employ the prisoners who get saved from the prison ministry!” She also said that Shiela seemed to be a suitable candidate because she was well educated and had business experience.

I was soo excited! So we left some money and a prophetic word with Tracey for Shiela. Tracey will take Sheila for a drive to South Africa to purchase the machine that makes peanut butter!

Please pray for God’s favor on Shiela and Tracey. Pray that they get a great deal on a peanut butter machine, and also that they get a good connection with jars! Pray also that the business succeeds to a point where Shiela can sow into another Africans life and help them achieve their dream!

To confirm this whole business idea, on our trip, I bumped into a Zimbabwe evangelist (who appeared from no-where) while we were praying for the sick on the streets.

He said to me “Dave, the people in Mozambique don’t need any more handouts from white people. What they need, is to be helped to stand up on their own two feet! They need to be empowered to start businesses and build industry!”

Prisoners Getting Saved From Painting!

Paint Multiplies in Prison!

Kimberly, one of my good friends on our team, was praying before the trip what ‘extra item’ she should bring. She felt God say “Paint”. So she went out and bought 4 small tubes of paint.

When we arrived at Africa 180 base in Mozambique, Tracey heard about it, and said “Hey I wonder if you could do a mural in the prison when we go tomorrow?” Kimberly was ecstatic at the thought of using art to bring transformation in one of the darkest places on earth!

So Tracey checked up with the prison warden at the prison we were going to, and the answer was “Yes!”

So Kimberly got with God that night and drew up an amazing sketch of stairs leading up to a doorway in the wall, leading to a landscape and beautiful ‘freedom’ sunset!

We were amazed and knew that God was going to use this picture powerfully!

So the next day, we went into the prison to minister and to paint.

The only issue we were going to face was that the painting was about 2.5m x 2.5m but Kimberly only had enough paint for half of it!

So as the paint began to run out, Kimberly began to pray. And God did something incredible! The paints began to multiply! So much so, that we had exactly enough to finish the painting with some left over! It was a miracle!

After the painting was complete in the prison, I reflected on how we all layed hands on the wall and prophecied things like “freedom” “healing” “salvation” “sonship” etc. by writing on the wall where the paint was to be applied.

I also remember being in a car with team mates, during a car trip home and us all breaking into a spontaneous rap song: “be healed, look at the painting, be free, look at the painting, be delivered, look at the painting...”

It was like God was causing us to speak things into being.

Since returning from Mozambique, I received an email from Katrina, a team member who had stayed on for a further two weeks after we had left.

It was about the painting in the prison, God was moving powerfully through it!

She was so excited as she wrote

“... i'll be getting a hold of you when i get home so we can swap some videos. p.s. guys gettin saved after looking at the painting!!! ...ah yes. :D”

Prisoners were now getting saved just from looking at the painting! Then a few days later, she emailed again saying “The prisoners have named the painting “Pathway to God” because so many of them are finding God through looking at this painting!”

The doors to the prison are only opened to let the missionary team once a week. So the only vision of the outside world and a greater reality is this painting!

Please pray that God continues to use this painting supernaturally for years and years to come!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dave's Mozambique Final Letter

Mozambique was the most incredible time ever! Now I know, God is really in a good mood!

One of the biggest things I learnt on this trip was about the authority and power that we carry as believers to bring heaven to earth!

From the moment we left God was impacting the world, from the airplane trips, to the village markets, to the weather and environment, mud huts, churches, prisons, schools and soccer fields (in the middle of nowhere) Everywhere we went, we released heaven into earth!

Flight Attendant Healed!

On our first flight, our airhostess ‘Gail’ complained of an injured shoulder and was in lots of pain. So some of our team went into the back of the plane and released healing over her! She was completely pain free in minutes! Then our team prophesied over her and the other airhostesses!

Villagers 100% Healed!

On the way to the “Africa 180’s” base we were stopped because of flooded roads for a few hours.

So one of our teams got out and began to play music. A crowd of villagers soon gathered, to which they began to ask if anybody needed healing? A man stepped forward (the chief of the village) who had chest pain and he was instantly healed! Then all the villagers lined up for prayer, and 100% of them were healed!

Bad Weather Stopped!

God even moved on the weather! Mozambique had just experienced 3 weeks of torrential rain. To this, our leader Kate told us that she carried a “sunshine anointing” and all would be well. So the first morning I heard the slight patter of rain on the roof I said “No rain! Stop in the name of Jesus!” It stopped straight away! Then a few days later I was out praying early in the morning and dark clouds were rolling in ominously over the base! So I just began to worship Father God and then I looked up, and there was a hole 50metres wide directly above my head! So I moved to another part of the property to see if it would follow me… and it did! The more I prayed the clearer the clouds got around our base! Our prayers really are powerful!

Worship Service Breaks Out!

On our first day at the base, we had a great time of praise and worship, releasing the Kingdom of God over the land. After we worshiped for a few hours, we looked to our right (through the barbed wire fence) and there were about 10 children poking up through the cornfields watching our every move! So we went over to them and worshipped with them! Then we went around the fence and began to release God’s presence and joy into the villages! We saw one lady instantly healed of a bad headache, and were also ministered too by the singing of these beautiful people!

Prophecying Life

Throughout the trip, I had lots of opportunity to prophecy over people from airhostesses, to long-term missionaries, to prisoners and to teammates! It was incredible what the Holy Spirit does through you when you take a step of faith!

There were a couple of prophecy’s that blew me away!

The first was on our way to Washington DC, I felt to prophecy over the airhostess who had just been healed. So I asked God and began to draw what he told me to draw. He showed me a fine porcelain jug, which was covered over with a silk sheet and placed on a stand in a graveyard. God said, “she has a gift, that she has buried for many years, and I want you to tell her that I know, and I want her to begin using it again.” So I wrote the message and handed it to the airhostess. Little did I know that Kate and JP had prophecied the exact same word over her life only minutes prior! She was so excited when she read it and came out and thanked me with teary eyes! God is good!

Another time I saw a picture of a baby, when I asked God about a word for not overly helpful manager of the airline (when we were held up in Johannesburg airport, with no place to sleep, because of an error which their airline had made!)

So I drew a picture of the baby and wrote what God told me to say on it “I feel like joy is coming into your house, that God is giving you a gift because he loves you etc”. Anyway, after an hour and half, Kate came back, from being with the man, and saw that I’d done a prophetic picture for the man. She said “show me that Dave!” and I did, and she said “Come on Dave! You are not going to believe this, but the man just was bragging to me how he and his wife had just given birth to a new baby girl!” I was soo encouraged that God was going to lead that man closer to Jesus.

Church People Activated in Healing!

We had some incredible church services with whole villages of people some who had walked for miles just to be there! Tracey has done an incredible job at planting these churches and turning them over to the locals. She told us that when she first goes into a village, she could possibly grow it to 30 people maximum. But then when she turns it over the local people, they grow it to 200-300 people!

At the churches we saw God do incredible things. The best part was seeing the church activated in supernatural healing!

We had reached the end of our trip and were at a church about 1hr away from Tracey’s base.

Kate our leader asked the congregation if anyone was sick, to which the whole church stood up!

Kate then led the church in a prayer for healing, and then she asked if anyone felt better?

No-body responded! They all just stood there!

Kate then, got them to put their hand on the part of their body, which was sick or sore, and then asked them to pray for each other.

So everyone began to pray for each other with one hand on their ‘sore spot’ and the other on the person next to them. It was incredible what happened next!... Kate asked again for anyone with a testimony and then one after the other people came up to testify that Jesus had just miraculously healed them! It was so amazing seeing them uplifted and empowered to pray for each other!

Street Outreach

One day, while our team was visiting a larger city, Kate (our leader) and I went for a walk to a paint store to purchase some more paint for the ministry in the prison. On the way we bumped into a blind lady begging on the street. She was about 70 years old and sat there quietly and humbly with her hands out. We couldn’t speak her language, so Kate and I sat down and began to pray for her in tongues. I wish I could say her eyes opened up immediately, but they didn’t. But what happened next was amazing. A crowd soon gathered, and a young boy walked another blind grandmother to us for prayer. Then other people came up and asked for prayer! Kate began ministering to a young girl who was unable to have children and wanted to be healed. So as she prayed the young woman felt Gods presence strongly in her body! Kate then talked to her about what she was experiencing and if she wanted to know Jesus. To which she replied “Yes!”. So Kate led her to Jesus then and there!

Supernatural Smuggling!

During our stay, I was selected to go on a trip with Tracey Evans to Zimbabwe, to smuggle supplies for the clinic back into Mozambique!

I was so pumped! I love danger and a challenge! But also, it was an incredible honor to be with one of the greatest missionaries on the planet for two whole days!

Tracey was so much fun to travel with! She was just like an Aussie, and loved a good laugh and just having fun!

She was incredible to listen to, we sat there engrossed in her stories of how God had gotten her out of life threatening situations like guns pointed at her head (and triggers pulled, but nothing happening) being shipwrecked and captured by communist gorillas and escaping! And her meetings with a billionaire in Canada (whom when asked by him “how much money do you want?” she replied “I don’t want your money, I want your heart!”)

It was like sitting with Jesus :)

Anyway, the smuggling was also incredible!

*Tracey has a friend in Canada who can ship her food and medicine for the baby clinic (which feeds 550 children weekly) for free, because of the corruption in the Mozambique ports she has to spend two days smuggling supplies into Mozambique from Zimbabwe!

Anyway, we met a Christian surgeon in Zimbabwe, who took us to his friend’s factory on a commercial chicken farm. There we loaded so many boxes onto the 4wd that we had to go to another rendezvous to repack the good (so it didn’t look like they were there!) I packed biscuits and oatmeal packets into a huge tent on the roof, while Tracey and the other guys packed the rest into other parts of the car.

When we were finally ready to cross the border, the car looked great! The goods on the roof looked like a bunch of camping gear, while the medicine in the back looked like luggage covered under a blanket.

Getting past the guards was such a God thing! When we arrived at the first guard, he just happened to be a Christian who desperately wanted a bible! So I gave him my bible of 15 years (as we only had a small book of John).

The next guard opened the back and found the medicine... but then Tracey told him about the clinic, and he began to warm. He then realized Tracey was ‘medical’ and asked her to diagnose an allergy problem he was having with his eyes. So he let us through no worries, as Tracey was going to bring him back some anti-histamine on her next trip.

Then at the Mozambique border there just happened to be two women and a boy (who Tracey knew from the base!) So they jumped into the back of our 4wd and made it seem as though there was no ‘unnecessary luggage’ entering the country!

God is so good! He faithfully looks after his children and his kingdom!

Bad Flights and Activating a Whole School in Supernatural!

At the end of our trip, we had some flight difficulties, which forced us to miss our Washington DC connection and stranded us in Johannesburg South Africa overnight with no-where to stay!

But God had a plan!

Bethel church helped was connected with an amazing South African family, who put all 14 of our team up overnight!

This family ran a Christian school, which had been going through some hardships recently from religious leaders. So they asked if our team would come and minister to the students. We gladly accepted.

Our teams got to split up into teams of 2-3 and minister to all both primary & secondary students. My team took grade 3&4 kids, and we began to teach them about prophecy and then proceeded to activate them in it!

It was incredible seeing them realise the power that they had to call out the gold in each other! And they began to understand how this could change their whole school, by calling people upwards into Gods vision for their lives.

The best part was at the end when students were activated in prophesying over the teacher! She was really blessed and began to cry!

The whole school was rocked by Gods presence and all young people had supernatural experiences that day!