Mozambique was the most incredible time ever! Now I know, God is really in a good mood!
One of the biggest things I learnt on this trip was about the authority and power that we carry as believers to bring heaven to earth!
From the moment we left God was impacting the world, from the airplane trips, to the village markets, to the weather and environment, mud huts, churches, prisons, schools and soccer fields (in the middle of nowhere) Everywhere we went, we released heaven into earth!
Flight Attendant Healed!
On our first flight, our airhostess ‘Gail’ complained of an injured shoulder and was in lots of pain. So some of our team went into the back of the plane and released healing over her! She was completely pain free in minutes! Then our team prophesied over her and the other airhostesses!
Villagers 100% Healed!
On the way to the “Africa 180’s” base we were stopped because of flooded roads for a few hours.
So one of our teams got out and began to play music. A crowd of villagers soon gathered, to which they began to ask if anybody needed healing? A man stepped forward (the chief of the village) who had chest pain and he was instantly healed! Then all the villagers lined up for prayer, and 100% of them were healed!
Bad Weather Stopped!
God even moved on the weather! Mozambique had just experienced 3 weeks of torrential rain. To this, our leader Kate told us that she carried a “sunshine anointing” and all would be well. So the first morning I heard the slight patter of rain on the roof I said “No rain! Stop in the name of Jesus!” It stopped straight away! Then a few days later I was out praying early in the morning and dark clouds were rolling in ominously over the base! So I just began to worship Father God and then I looked up, and there was a hole 50metres wide directly above my head! So I moved to another part of the property to see if it would follow me… and it did! The more I prayed the clearer the clouds got around our base! Our prayers really are powerful!
Worship Service Breaks Out!
On our first day at the base, we had a great time of praise and worship, releasing the Kingdom of God over the land. After we worshiped for a few hours, we looked to our right (through the barbed wire fence) and there were about 10 children poking up through the cornfields watching our every move! So we went over to them and worshipped with them! Then we went around the fence and began to release God’s presence and joy into the villages! We saw one lady instantly healed of a bad headache, and were also ministered too by the singing of these beautiful people!
Prophecying Life
Throughout the trip, I had lots of opportunity to prophecy over people from airhostesses, to long-term missionaries, to prisoners and to teammates! It was incredible what the Holy Spirit does through you when you take a step of faith!
There were a couple of prophecy’s that blew me away!
The first was on our way to Washington DC, I felt to prophecy over the airhostess who had just been healed. So I asked God and began to draw what he told me to draw. He showed me a fine porcelain jug, which was covered over with a silk sheet and placed on a stand in a graveyard. God said, “she has a gift, that she has buried for many years, and I want you to tell her that I know, and I want her to begin using it again.” So I wrote the message and handed it to the airhostess. Little did I know that Kate and JP had prophecied the exact same word over her life only minutes prior! She was so excited when she read it and came out and thanked me with teary eyes! God is good!
Another time I saw a picture of a baby, when I asked God about a word for not overly helpful manager of the airline (when we were held up in Johannesburg airport, with no place to sleep, because of an error which their airline had made!)
So I drew a picture of the baby and wrote what God told me to say on it “I feel like joy is coming into your house, that God is giving you a gift because he loves you etc”. Anyway, after an hour and half, Kate came back, from being with the man, and saw that I’d done a prophetic picture for the man. She said “show me that Dave!” and I did, and she said “Come on Dave! You are not going to believe this, but the man just was bragging to me how he and his wife had just given birth to a new baby girl!” I was soo encouraged that God was going to lead that man closer to Jesus.
Church People Activated in Healing!
We had some incredible church services with whole villages of people some who had walked for miles just to be there! Tracey has done an incredible job at planting these churches and turning them over to the locals. She told us that when she first goes into a village, she could possibly grow it to 30 people maximum. But then when she turns it over the local people, they grow it to 200-300 people!
At the churches we saw God do incredible things. The best part was seeing the church activated in supernatural healing!
We had reached the end of our trip and were at a church about 1hr away from Tracey’s base.
Kate our leader asked the congregation if anyone was sick, to which the whole church stood up!
Kate then led the church in a prayer for healing, and then she asked if anyone felt better?
No-body responded! They all just stood there!
Kate then, got them to put their hand on the part of their body, which was sick or sore, and then asked them to pray for each other.
So everyone began to pray for each other with one hand on their ‘sore spot’ and the other on the person next to them. It was incredible what happened next!... Kate asked again for anyone with a testimony and then one after the other people came up to testify that Jesus had just miraculously healed them! It was so amazing seeing them uplifted and empowered to pray for each other!
Street Outreach
One day, while our team was visiting a larger city, Kate (our leader) and I went for a walk to a paint store to purchase some more paint for the ministry in the prison. On the way we bumped into a blind lady begging on the street. She was about 70 years old and sat there quietly and humbly with her hands out. We couldn’t speak her language, so Kate and I sat down and began to pray for her in tongues. I wish I could say her eyes opened up immediately, but they didn’t. But what happened next was amazing. A crowd soon gathered, and a young boy walked another blind grandmother to us for prayer. Then other people came up and asked for prayer! Kate began ministering to a young girl who was unable to have children and wanted to be healed. So as she prayed the young woman felt Gods presence strongly in her body! Kate then talked to her about what she was experiencing and if she wanted to know Jesus. To which she replied “Yes!”. So Kate led her to Jesus then and there!
Supernatural Smuggling!
During our stay, I was selected to go on a trip with Tracey Evans to Zimbabwe, to smuggle supplies for the clinic back into Mozambique!
I was so pumped! I love danger and a challenge! But also, it was an incredible honor to be with one of the greatest missionaries on the planet for two whole days!
Tracey was so much fun to travel with! She was just like an Aussie, and loved a good laugh and just having fun!
She was incredible to listen to, we sat there engrossed in her stories of how God had gotten her out of life threatening situations like guns pointed at her head (and triggers pulled, but nothing happening) being shipwrecked and captured by communist gorillas and escaping! And her meetings with a billionaire in Canada (whom when asked by him “how much money do you want?” she replied “I don’t want your money, I want your heart!”)
It was like sitting with Jesus :)
Anyway, the smuggling was also incredible!
*Tracey has a friend in Canada who can ship her food and medicine for the baby clinic (which feeds 550 children weekly) for free, because of the corruption in the Mozambique ports she has to spend two days smuggling supplies into Mozambique from Zimbabwe!
Anyway, we met a Christian surgeon in Zimbabwe, who took us to his friend’s factory on a commercial chicken farm. There we loaded so many boxes onto the 4wd that we had to go to another rendezvous to repack the good (so it didn’t look like they were there!) I packed biscuits and oatmeal packets into a huge tent on the roof, while Tracey and the other guys packed the rest into other parts of the car.
When we were finally ready to cross the border, the car looked great! The goods on the roof looked like a bunch of camping gear, while the medicine in the back looked like luggage covered under a blanket.
Getting past the guards was such a God thing! When we arrived at the first guard, he just happened to be a Christian who desperately wanted a bible! So I gave him my bible of 15 years (as we only had a small book of John).
The next guard opened the back and found the medicine... but then Tracey told him about the clinic, and he began to warm. He then realized Tracey was ‘medical’ and asked her to diagnose an allergy problem he was having with his eyes. So he let us through no worries, as Tracey was going to bring him back some anti-histamine on her next trip.
Then at the Mozambique border there just happened to be two women and a boy (who Tracey knew from the base!) So they jumped into the back of our 4wd and made it seem as though there was no ‘unnecessary luggage’ entering the country!
God is so good! He faithfully looks after his children and his kingdom!
Bad Flights and Activating a Whole School in Supernatural!
At the end of our trip, we had some flight difficulties, which forced us to miss our Washington DC connection and stranded us in Johannesburg South Africa overnight with no-where to stay!
But God had a plan!
Bethel church helped was connected with an amazing South African family, who put all 14 of our team up overnight!
This family ran a Christian school, which had been going through some hardships recently from religious leaders. So they asked if our team would come and minister to the students. We gladly accepted.
Our teams got to split up into teams of 2-3 and minister to all both primary & secondary students. My team took grade 3&4 kids, and we began to teach them about prophecy and then proceeded to activate them in it!
It was incredible seeing them realise the power that they had to call out the gold in each other! And they began to understand how this could change their whole school, by calling people upwards into Gods vision for their lives.
The best part was at the end when students were activated in prophesying over the teacher! She was really blessed and began to cry!
The whole school was rocked by Gods presence and all young people had supernatural experiences that day!
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