Sunday, August 22, 2010

Miracles are for Today!

“As He is, so are we in this world.” This Scripture echoes the heights to which EVERY Christian or Christ filled man or woman is created to soar! It doesn’t say, “As He was”… even if it did, that would be an incredible improvement on all of Christianity today! But it takes it even further… “As He is”… Risen, Victorious over the whole earth, over all sickness, over all death. Nothing is in His way, all things are under His feet. Complete Dominion. This is how we are called to live “in this world.” Not when we get to heaven, but our position in Christ has bought for us an authority and power to bring Heaven to Earth in every circumstance, every time. Here are just a few of the miracles we have seen over the Summer as we have pursued Him.

House Purchase & Sale Miracle!

I was praying with a friend from Australia in his car (while we waited for our Chinese to cook). He was wanting to purchase a house in the US. All of a sudden, I felt faith arise and I said “God we ask you for a house within 3 days!” (it felt weird but right). Anyway within 3 days they had found a house! Which they later purchased!

Then He came to me and said, “I need to sell a property in Australia, can we pray again?” So we prayed and within a few hours he had a phone call from Australia, His house was sold!

Internet Man & Knee Healed!

We had a man from AT&T (phone company) come over to fix our internet which was playing up. While he was working on our router, I was looking after the kids, and all of a sudden I realized that I was having the words “he has a sore right knee” flash across my minds eye. So I ignored it… but it stayed with me for 20min! I realized God was wanting to heal this man, so I said “Hey, do you by any chance happen to have a sore right knee?” He turned and mouth agape said “How did you know?” I said “Oh God told me, I think he wants to heal you! Can I pray for you!” He said “Sure!” Then he opened up about how he’d been the ‘salvation target’ at an all Christian company and that he was an Atheist. I said “Hey that’s ok, lets just see what Jesus does.” So Taff and I prayed for him, and he said “It feels much better! It feels much better!” He left and thanked us soo much for praying for his knee!

Back Instantly Healed in Australia!

Recently we had some friends from Wollongong Australia visit us in the US. The wife began to share one morning that her husband was suffering from a really sore back, and was having to do lots of sitting and travelling which was causing him great pain. She asked if we could pray. So we did. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as people prayed.

2 days later she was on the phone to her husband and she asked him about how his back was going. He said “Yeah, it has been great, ever since a few days ago!” His wife asked him what day it was, and it was the exact day that we prayed! Praise God!

3 Girls Prophecied Over on a Bench!

We were out on a “Treasure Hunt” (where you ask the Holy Spirit for clues and then go out onto the streets to look and pray for the people you have been given clues for) We were drawn across the Sundail bridge towards a group of three girls sitting in the bushes overlooking the river. After talking with them, we realized that we’d had their clothing “black shirt” and “pink shirt” on our treasure map. Another clue we’d had was depression, hopelessness, giving up on life etc. Then I felt God ‘highlight’ the girl in the pink shirt, and so I asked if we could prophecy over her. She said “Yes sure”. So I prophecied as God gave me, and she said “You nailed it! Everything you said was right on!” Then she said “Can I give you a hug?” So I did. Then we prophecied over the other two girls and they were incredibly blessed too! The girls were beaming when we left, we knew that God had done something powerful in their lives.

Wedding Party Miracles of Provision…

Recently Taff and I worked out our bills and bank balance, we only had a few days before we had to pay rent and utilities and we were $100 short. So we prayed and declared God’s favour over our lives. Within a few days, some incredible boys from a mates Wedding party emailed us to tell us to look in the top drawer of Zekes wardrobe. In it was $340!!! Then we had other people dump a whole lot of food into our cupboards, and then a friend asked if he could store 50lbs of Alaskan fish and seafood in our fridge saying “help yourselves to it guys!” God truly is our source and support!

Tennis Elbow…long term healing!

I had suffered with Tennis elbow for over 2years in Australia. The doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong and all they could do was give me a cortisone shot, which only covered the pain for a few months. Anyway I went to the healing rooms when we first arrived a year ago. But there was no improvement initially. Just recently, tTaff asked me “How is your tennis elbow?” I had to think about it, and said “I think its better!” God hears every prayer we pray, and every prayer goes to work to bring heaven to earth.

Black Man & Woman Holy Spirit Encounter…

Recently we went to South Park in Redding to feed the poor with Bethels Saturday outreach teams. I met a man in a wheelchair named CW, who needed to take a meal back to his wife Beatrice. I said “I will walk with you” On the way I asked if I could pray for him and his wife. He said “sure”. So when I got into his little run down unit, I prayed with his wife. The presence of God filled the smelly little house and his wife began to cry. God touched both CW and his wife powerfully and now they want to come to church!

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