Paint Multiplies in Prison!
Kimberly, one of my good friends on our team, was praying before the trip what ‘extra item’ she should bring. She felt God say “Paint”. So she went out and bought 4 small tubes of paint.
When we arrived at Africa 180 base in Mozambique, Tracey heard about it, and said “Hey I wonder if you could do a mural in the prison when we go tomorrow?” Kimberly was ecstatic at the thought of using art to bring transformation in one of the darkest places on earth!
So Tracey checked up with the prison warden at the prison we were going to, and the answer was “Yes!”
So Kimberly got with God that night and drew up an amazing sketch of stairs leading up to a doorway in the wall, leading to a landscape and beautiful ‘freedom’ sunset!
We were amazed and knew that God was going to use this picture powerfully!
So the next day, we went into the prison to minister and to paint.
The only issue we were going to face was that the painting was about 2.5m x 2.5m but Kimberly only had enough paint for half of it!
So as the paint began to run out, Kimberly began to pray. And God did something incredible! The paints began to multiply! So much so, that we had exactly enough to finish the painting with some left over! It was a miracle!
After the painting was complete in the prison, I reflected on how we all layed hands on the wall and prophecied things like “freedom” “healing” “salvation” “sonship” etc. by writing on the wall where the paint was to be applied.
I also remember being in a car with team mates, during a car trip home and us all breaking into a spontaneous rap song: “be healed, look at the painting, be free, look at the painting, be delivered, look at the painting...”
It was like God was causing us to speak things into being.
Since returning from Mozambique, I received an email from Katrina, a team member who had stayed on for a further two weeks after we had left.
It was about the painting in the prison, God was moving powerfully through it!
She was so excited as she wrote
“... i'll be getting a hold of you when i get home so we can swap some videos. p.s. guys gettin saved after looking at the painting!!! ...ah yes. :D”
Prisoners were now getting saved just from looking at the painting! Then a few days later, she emailed again saying “The prisoners have named the painting “Pathway to God” because so many of them are finding God through looking at this painting!”
The doors to the prison are only opened to let the missionary team once a week. So the only vision of the outside world and a greater reality is this painting!
Please pray that God continues to use this painting supernaturally for years and years to come!
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