Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pub Ministry Miracle!

I was at church just two nights ago, and a mate came looking for me and asked me if I wanted to go out on Friday night strikes (a weekly evening outreach ministry of Bethel into the community) I was soo honored and excited to go, so I asked my Revival Group Pastor and she said "sure go for it!"
So I joined the Pub ministry team (who didn't go out until 10pm) and we ended up at a local drinking spot that was absolutely packed full of people! (The guys on our team who were more experienced had never seen it this busy ever!)
As we entered, the music was pumping really loudly and the smell of tobacco, alcohol and weed was in the air! We were all a bit intimidated by the atmosphere and thought "how do we do supernatural ministry here?" But then we switched on. I thought to myself "well God, I'm here, I am just going to give it my best shot and go with the first thing you give me!"
Just then I noticed two men walking past me and I felt God say "The little guy has a sore foot"
So I approached the men, who were now standing at the front of the pub and said "Hey guys! My name is Dave!" After some small talk, I then proceeded to tell them "...this might sound weird, but God sometimes gives me clues for people who he wants to heal. I was wondering if either of you guys have a sore foot?" They both looked at each other and then me and replied "Nope". So I proceeded to tell them the testimony of the woman from Trader Joes whose knee was instantly healed. Then something happened.
The little guy (whose name was Billy) said "are you from Bethel?" I replied "Yes" with a smile. He then said "I do have a sore foot, its my right big toe, I have had surgery and I have lost feeling in it."
I was pumped! "Cool as!" I said excitedly "I think Jesus wants to heal you tonight! Can I pray for you?" He said "Sure" with a hesitant look.
So I knelt down and placed my hand on his shoe and prayed that Jesus would bring feeling back and restore the toe to normal. While I prayed I was amazed at this guys faith as he wiggled his toe up and down during the prayer! After I prayed he said "it feels like something is happening... it feels alot better!" So I prayed again and he said "It feels heaps better! thankyou!"
Then I asked God for a word of knowledge and then I asked "Are you good with your hands? Are you a carpenter?" To which he began to tell me that he actually was a carpenter, but because of the American recession he had lost work and was now dealing drugs, just so he could buy food for his 3 yr old boy! He said "I hate doing it! But I don't know what else to do"
So I prayed for him again and released a financial blessing over him. I am planning to meet him in the park this week, and hopefully take my 3 yr old Zeke to scooter ride with Billy and his 3 yr old! Please pray that he gets saved!!!

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