A friend of Dave's began to teach him about planting a vegetable garden. So Dave took up the challenge and made a garden with strawberries, basil, oregano, lettuce, tomatoes and a capsicum plant.
All of these went well, except for the lettuce seeds (which Zeke washed away in the early days!)
and the capsicum plant. It shot out 2 capsicums, but then died suddenly, withering into a yellow semi dry organism. Dave thought "Oh well! there we go again! maybe I am just not a gardener after all!" The plant was like this for weeks.
Then one morning while Dave was undertaking his usual ritual of watering the plants... Zeke came out in his pajamas. He then walked straight up to the capsicum plant, bent down and began to extend his hand and pray over the plant! Dave just stood there watering mouth gaping wide open! Then Zeke walked back inside! Dave said "Zeke did you just pray for the plant?" and he replied "Yes". Two weeks later the plant re-shot out of the top and has now produced two new capsicums and some more on the way!!! Praise God that He is a God who raises the dead! and does it through a child! Go Zeke!
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