Sunday, October 3, 2010

Zeke's Business & Trampoline Miracle!

Zeke came to me (Dave) during the summer and said "Daddy, I want to get some more toys!" So I said to him "Ok, well then you will have to start a business!". Zeke (3) looked at me with those big gaping 'Why' eyes and said "Daddy, what's a business?" So I told him how it worked and then he said "Daddy, I want a trampoline!" I drew up a chart (that he could colour in each time) and we made a goal of how much we wanted to make roughly. Then we proceeded to see what opportunities were around him to make this happen?

Zeke and I ended up negotiating with Mike and Bec (our amazing Aussie friends) for Zeke to move some wheelbarrows of bark (at the lucrative price of $1 per wheelbarrow) from one part of the property to the other, so they could plant turf.

So for the next 2 weeks roughly, Zeke and I got up early, had a quick bite for breakfast and headed out to aim to shovel 10 wheelbarrows (before the hot sun came out!) Zeke also managed to con-vince Mikes two kids to work for him. So the four of us shovelled (the kids used broom and shovels) After all of this, Zeke ended up shovelling 45 wheelbarrows, with the help of his cheap labour and dad!

Then we prayed for a miracle... and God came through! On Craigslist (a second hand on-line community selling website) we found a brand new trampoline (without a mat) for $45!!! This was an incredible price, as they retailed for $280 new with a mat (the mats were $90) So we grabbed this one... but then we had no mat.

Then a friend of ours Satch, dropped in one morning and announced to Taff and Zeke that his friends had heard the story and given him $150 for a mat!!! So Zeke had more than enough to buy a mat, pay his Tithe and his cheap labourers! Praise God that he is a generous God!

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