Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Departing for Mozambique

Dave's departure for Mozambique began at midnight last night. The group left full of anticipation about what God was going to do through them on their trip. Again we want to say a huge 'thank you' to everyone who is supporting this trip. Dave was able to purchase a steel string guitar, a digital camera, soccer balls, a whole stack of art supplies and other activities to bless the mission in Mozambique. On top of this, he still had around $1000 to donate to the mission. He hopes to implement a lending system with this money so local people can borrow an amount of money to start a business. They would then pay this money back as the business generated an income for them. He heard of this idea from other missionaries who had set up a similar thing in Africa that worked amazingly. It's very exciting to think that we can sow into the community over a long period of time.

The idea of Dave being away for 2 weeks could be a little daunting, however I am blessed with amazing kids and so many offers of help! Lots of people have offered to help look after the kids, cook meals, or just hang out! (Oh, and the amazing generosity of our friends lending me money as Dave left with the bank cards which is our only access to finance!! :) ). I feel very loved!

Things to pray for over this time:
Dave left feeling a little unwell - please pray that he arrives refreshed and healthy, and with no jet lag!
Pray for miracles of salvation, healing and deliverance while they are there! Pray that God would work through them in ways that would have a lasting effect on the community.
Pray for myself and the kids that we would have an amazing time together to help the time pass quickly! Also pray for health, for Jaden in particular. He's has the start of croup which I'm believing will not progress, but instead leave his body.

Thanks sooo much for all your support and prayers! God is amazing!!!!

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