For my first ever prophetic art painting during worship at church, I painted a picture a silhouette of a mans face and the Holy Spirit like a lion roaring into their ear. The person was holding 'the harvest' and had a bracelet with life around their wrist. I remember at the time feeling that Holy Spirit wanted me to pain a wave of water going up and touching the persons ear. I felt that God was going to heal peoples ears.
After worship, I presented this painting to an elderly man named Earnest and he was prophecied over by another team member. Then at the end of the meeting A lady named “Gramma” who I had met at the front desk, came up and said that she suffered from Tinnitus and ringing in her ears.
So I released the testimony of a friend who had been healed of that condition and said “I think God wants to do it again!” As we began to pray, what was like a huge wave of the spirit, literally surged upon us and dumped on us! JUST LIKE THE PAINTING!!! It felt like a huge wave was crashing over us! I was holding the womans head as she arched back…(I have never seen a granny arch that far back!) I was getting knocked over too! She was like 65-70 years and arched back so far, that a teenager luckily caught her before she fell to the ground.
While she was down, God kept pouring over both her and me!. Then she got up, and I asked “how are you feeling?” she said “I cant tell until I go out of the room.” So I told her to come back and tell me if she hadn’t been healed because God wanted to heal her. She came back later to tell me “Guess what! I have been completely healed!” I didnt realise how cool it was, until I spoke to a few friends who told me that Tinnitus (ringing in the ear) is right up there with deafness as being incurrable and that people have suicided because of it!) Anyways God is AMAZING and he wants to heal today!