Friday, August 27, 2010

One Year On...

Today it is exactly 1 year since we first set our feet on American soil; and what an amazing year it has been! Following over 14 different messages from God (like visions, bible verses, prophecies coincidences and miracles) which told us to move our family to America, has been well worth it! Our minds have been renewed and transformed, our hands equipped with powerful tools, our hearts poured into with love, and our lives filled with friendship and blessing! It certainly has been a significant year of our lives, and we wouldn't trade it for anything.

Along with this, we have seen God miraculously provide through friends and community. Last year He provided over 30,000!!! which enabled us to not only live in a country in which we were not able to work, but we have also been able to give more than in any other year of our marriage gone by!

This year we are believing for God greater intimacy with Him, are praying that we live an even more supernatural lifestyle and empower others to do the same.

Taff & I are going to be involved in the following ministries:

  • Love After Marriage Course (18 weeks) our vision is to grow our marriage into a supernatural one!
  • Leading the YMCA youth mentoring program weekly.
  • Serving in the healing rooms on Saturday mornings – Taff leading worship and Dave praying for the sick.
  • Feeding the poor on Saturday afternoons in South Park Redding. Taff and others will be doing some live music.
  • Running a prophetic home group – teaching people the power of prophecy and intimacy with Father God.
  • Travelling with Bethel leaders – activating places around the world in prophecy, healing, evangelism and revival culture.
  • Resourcing Australian families and churches for revival.

Taking on another year does come with its new challenges. Again, we face another year of no full time income. Dave is still able to work 1 day a week for SU Victoria as a resource writer, which we are so thankful for, however this doesn't come close to covering all our expenses here. The start of another year brings in quite a few large expenses also. School fees, travel insurance, missions/ministry trips, car rego, month to month living expenses etc. Now we are at a place again where we are trusting God to provide the finance for the big expenses we mentioned above. We don't like to ask for money, however we feel God wants us to show you our areas of need so you can either pray or contribute. As mentioned above, there are 3 main areas that we are in need:

1. School Fees

Dave's school fees are required to be paid in full prior to his commencement on September 7th. Already we have had a generous donation of $1000 towards this! Wow! That means we still need another $2700 to cover the remainder of his tuition fees. On the left of our blog we have listed a website that you can go to to give directly into this. (Just type in David Harvey when you're in there). Every dollar that is given through there is put directly towards the fees. However, be aware that there will be international exchange fees added to your total from your bank. If you want to avoid this, you can put money into Dave's Bendigo Bank account (also listed on the left) and we can make a transfer of a larger sum of money which limits the fees :). If you choose this option, you can send us an email or mark it on the transaction what you want the funds to be put towards

2. Missions/Ministry Trips

This year Dave has the opportunity to travel with Bill Johnson, Kris Valloton and other leaders from Bethel on Ministry Trips. However these trips cost money, for travel, accommodation and food etc. The trips he is hoping to go on will bring healing, revival and Gods power to countries around the world, as well as give Dave incredible training and mentoring with some of the worlds best travelling ministries!

3. Daily Living Expenses & Travel Insurance.

Our monthly living expenses are around $2500. We have been given enough donations over the last year to cover our daily living expenses and we are truly grateful! This is another area that you can help us with if you feel led in the coming months. Also, our travel insurance covered us for one year in the USA. Now that year is up, we need to renew our coverage ($1400 for another 12months.)

Again, please do not feel under any pressure to give. We just want to give you the opportunity to pray or sow as you feel led, knowing exactly what you are giving in to.

We keep hearing stories of people reading our blog updates and passing it on to other people to read because they are so encouraged by it. Our prayer is that over the next few months, we will be able to write about how good God has been so you can be encouraged and believe him for all your needs also! We like to release testimonies to build your faith.

Thank you again for supporting and loving us! Keep writing to us to tell us what's going on! We miss people dearly! So we like to hear about what's happening in your life! Please let us know how we can support you too - what can we pray for? how can we resource your or show you more about what we're learning? Whatever we learn, we want to pass on to you!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Power of Community

Recently we had Banning Liebiesher (Jesus Culture) preach at Bethel on the subject of the Power of Community. He talked about how Westerners read the bible through an ‘individualistic’ mindset. We looked at the bible as a list of promises and quotes to help us. But he challenged us that the bible was a ‘story’ and multiple ‘stories within stories’ of communities living with s supernatural God. Then he began to challenge us that the gospel was never designed to be worked out between ‘you and God’, but it was always designed to be worked out between ‘you, God and community’. He said that “the dreams that God has for my life and yours, are soo big, that we cannot do them by ourselves, even with God. But in order to receive the supernatural grace required to do all that God has called us to do, we need to live in community!”

Our victories are in your hands, your victories are in our hands. He went on to tell how he and his wife had been in a restaurant on ‘date night’ and were talking about his wife’s mother who had been having a difficult time at work for months. As his wife was sharing about her mothers recent battles, a spirit of faith came over Banning, and he said, “Honey, I feel like we have been given favour right now to change the atmosphere over your mothers workplace.” So as the waiter brought out the bread they began to take authority in prayer over the mothers’ workplace. Two days later, his wife called her mother, and asked “how is your workplace going?” She said “Its really strange, but two days ago, it was like the whole atmosphere changed!” God works through Community.

Your breakthrough, and mine, are in the hands of friends and family in a restaurant somewhere. As we share our loads with one another, God’s grace is poured out. Not me and God, but God, me and others.

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

It is on our hearts to journey with community and see the Gospels power released in people’ s lives. If you have would like to enter into community with us and others, we would love to hear of any situations we join with you in prayer for. Please email us on and we would love to pray the prayer of faith and see breakthrough.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Miracles are for Today!

“As He is, so are we in this world.” This Scripture echoes the heights to which EVERY Christian or Christ filled man or woman is created to soar! It doesn’t say, “As He was”… even if it did, that would be an incredible improvement on all of Christianity today! But it takes it even further… “As He is”… Risen, Victorious over the whole earth, over all sickness, over all death. Nothing is in His way, all things are under His feet. Complete Dominion. This is how we are called to live “in this world.” Not when we get to heaven, but our position in Christ has bought for us an authority and power to bring Heaven to Earth in every circumstance, every time. Here are just a few of the miracles we have seen over the Summer as we have pursued Him.

House Purchase & Sale Miracle!

I was praying with a friend from Australia in his car (while we waited for our Chinese to cook). He was wanting to purchase a house in the US. All of a sudden, I felt faith arise and I said “God we ask you for a house within 3 days!” (it felt weird but right). Anyway within 3 days they had found a house! Which they later purchased!

Then He came to me and said, “I need to sell a property in Australia, can we pray again?” So we prayed and within a few hours he had a phone call from Australia, His house was sold!

Internet Man & Knee Healed!

We had a man from AT&T (phone company) come over to fix our internet which was playing up. While he was working on our router, I was looking after the kids, and all of a sudden I realized that I was having the words “he has a sore right knee” flash across my minds eye. So I ignored it… but it stayed with me for 20min! I realized God was wanting to heal this man, so I said “Hey, do you by any chance happen to have a sore right knee?” He turned and mouth agape said “How did you know?” I said “Oh God told me, I think he wants to heal you! Can I pray for you!” He said “Sure!” Then he opened up about how he’d been the ‘salvation target’ at an all Christian company and that he was an Atheist. I said “Hey that’s ok, lets just see what Jesus does.” So Taff and I prayed for him, and he said “It feels much better! It feels much better!” He left and thanked us soo much for praying for his knee!

Back Instantly Healed in Australia!

Recently we had some friends from Wollongong Australia visit us in the US. The wife began to share one morning that her husband was suffering from a really sore back, and was having to do lots of sitting and travelling which was causing him great pain. She asked if we could pray. So we did. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as people prayed.

2 days later she was on the phone to her husband and she asked him about how his back was going. He said “Yeah, it has been great, ever since a few days ago!” His wife asked him what day it was, and it was the exact day that we prayed! Praise God!

3 Girls Prophecied Over on a Bench!

We were out on a “Treasure Hunt” (where you ask the Holy Spirit for clues and then go out onto the streets to look and pray for the people you have been given clues for) We were drawn across the Sundail bridge towards a group of three girls sitting in the bushes overlooking the river. After talking with them, we realized that we’d had their clothing “black shirt” and “pink shirt” on our treasure map. Another clue we’d had was depression, hopelessness, giving up on life etc. Then I felt God ‘highlight’ the girl in the pink shirt, and so I asked if we could prophecy over her. She said “Yes sure”. So I prophecied as God gave me, and she said “You nailed it! Everything you said was right on!” Then she said “Can I give you a hug?” So I did. Then we prophecied over the other two girls and they were incredibly blessed too! The girls were beaming when we left, we knew that God had done something powerful in their lives.

Wedding Party Miracles of Provision…

Recently Taff and I worked out our bills and bank balance, we only had a few days before we had to pay rent and utilities and we were $100 short. So we prayed and declared God’s favour over our lives. Within a few days, some incredible boys from a mates Wedding party emailed us to tell us to look in the top drawer of Zekes wardrobe. In it was $340!!! Then we had other people dump a whole lot of food into our cupboards, and then a friend asked if he could store 50lbs of Alaskan fish and seafood in our fridge saying “help yourselves to it guys!” God truly is our source and support!

Tennis Elbow…long term healing!

I had suffered with Tennis elbow for over 2years in Australia. The doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong and all they could do was give me a cortisone shot, which only covered the pain for a few months. Anyway I went to the healing rooms when we first arrived a year ago. But there was no improvement initially. Just recently, tTaff asked me “How is your tennis elbow?” I had to think about it, and said “I think its better!” God hears every prayer we pray, and every prayer goes to work to bring heaven to earth.

Black Man & Woman Holy Spirit Encounter…

Recently we went to South Park in Redding to feed the poor with Bethels Saturday outreach teams. I met a man in a wheelchair named CW, who needed to take a meal back to his wife Beatrice. I said “I will walk with you” On the way I asked if I could pray for him and his wife. He said “sure”. So when I got into his little run down unit, I prayed with his wife. The presence of God filled the smelly little house and his wife began to cry. God touched both CW and his wife powerfully and now they want to come to church!

Monday, August 2, 2010

School of Worship

I had an amazing opportunity to attend the Bethel School of Worship for 4 weeks over June/July. I was unsure of how I was going to pay the fees to get there, but about 2 days before they were due, someone gave me the $750 I needed and a letter of encouragement! Again, I was completely blown away and amazing at how God provided. Why should I ever doubt?

From the outset they dealt with issues of the heart. One key was to get rid of the root of jealousy by encouraging the person, and prophecy over them. Kris Vallotton talked about what makes a disciple, saying it is the ability to receive correction. In order to receive more information, we need a structure to hold it. The structure is the ability to receive correction and and follow instructions. He also talked about moving to the stage of 'friend of God'. It's about relationship.
Bethel has a huge culture of honour and again this was brought into focus. They talked a lot about honouring your pastor or leaders. I really see how this works in worship teams. Honour builds relationship, which makes working with pastors and leaders much easier.
There were a few session of the science and power of sound. They showed experiments with sound that cause sand particles to form symmetrical patterns and how they change and become more intricate the higher the frequency. Everything is held together with sound vibrations. It's quite amazing to think about the power of your words, or your song, your music. It literally can cause things to change, or things to come into being. Speak, sing, make a noise about the things you want to see happen - and watch them happen!
Dan McCallum shared on the Prophetic Song. It was one of the more practical sessions. We were given keys for our walk with God. Singing in the spirit, singing with your mind, and singing with your heart. When you sing in the spirit you are singing mysteries, and the secrets of the kingdom. When you sing spontaneously with words, that revelation starts to come out. You realize what the Holy Spirit has been teaching you. When you sing no words, just sounds, you are singing with your heart. This is just a taste of what we learnt! I also learnt a lot from Christa Black in regards to songwriting, and being a worship leader and artist.
During the school, many of us had an opportunity to lead a song in an elective called Band Sessions. I was the last person on my day, and I got some great feedback from Kathy Vallotton and Will Matthews (worship leader at Bethel). This led to Kathy asking me to do a Creative Expression. I was pretty excited at first, then the 24 hours before I was riddled with nerves! I chose to do one of the songs I written and had my amazing friend, Bek, play violin with me (she is very well known in Australia for her violin skills!). It was such a privilege. It was a great opportunity for me to practice singing and playing in front of people.
I felt challenged in many ways during the school, and felt God speak things to me and lead me in the next step for various things in my life. I will definitely treasure my time at worship school.

Activating a family...of 11

On our journey back to Redding, from Canada, we stayed with an amazing family, the Lienau's. The dad, Michael, is a film maker, who is know for his film on the eruption of Mt St Helen's. Michael had got the whole family involved in the business, and they continue to produce films. Look out for a film - Joshua Clay - possibly coming out next year. (Global Net Productions/Send Rain Films).
The Lienau's have many stories to tell. They have 4 natural kids, and 5 adopted kids. They are all incredible people! They remind us a lot of the Gibbs family. Every person in the family has things that they love to do, and are encouraged to do them. They work incredibly well together and are very polite and hospitable. It was such an encouragement to see a family that loved each other, empowered each other and loved God with all their hearts. We had so much fun with them, we ended up staying 2 nights rather than one.
On our second night, they were really keen for us to prophecy over them. So, instead of us just prophesying over them, Dave decided to activate them. Dave shared a bit about what he'd learnt, and how easy it is to prophecy - just listen to the Holy Spirit and share the first thing you get (making sure it's exhortation, edification, comfort - basically just positive :) ). Everyone in the family got involved, and they prophesied over each other. It was so beautiful to see this! They were so encouraged. It's amazing just how easy it is to be activated. Just to understand how much God loves his people and wants to share all of himself with us. He wants us to encourage and build each other up. One of the best things I've learnt is if friends, family, or people in your team/church need encouraging or unifying - prophecy over them! Instantly relationship is built and unity is formed.
We loved our time on Camano Island with the Lienau's and look forward to seeing how we can help this family more in the future.