It was the Easter Fair week in Redding this week, so we took the kids down to the show. As a parent the thing which stuck out to me - was the smiles on my kids faces when they were on the rides! I loved seeing Zeke and Jaden beaming from ear to ear - mouth's opened as their little bodies were exhilarated by the 'G Forces' of the roller coasters and other rides.
After taking the boys there in the morning, Taff stayed home and Carmel (our babysitter) and I decided to take Zeke and Jaden back for a quick ride in the evening. Towards the end of the evening we met a lovely man, named Bill who was running one of the rides. We got talking, because he loved my accent, and then he asked what we were doing in Redding. So I told him about Bethel and the school of Supernatural ministry, and that we travelled the world healing people. I could see he had no grid for healing or the supernatural...so he quickly changed the subject. But I kept talking to him and he to me.
It was almost time to go and I knew that God had connected us with Bill for a reason. As I looked at him and we were talking some more, it was like I began to see an image his lower back (almost like a 'cartoon' of his lower vertebrae in white and red) It sort of hovered around that area on his body - on top of him. I asked God and I felt God say "He has lower back pain". The image stayed there the longer I talked.
By this time Bill had taken over another ride at the show. I hadn't talked to him and was walking with the kids, on our way to the car and he (Bill) called out to us - "Are you guys going?" I walked over to him and chatted a bit more then I said "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have lower back pain?" He looked at me with big eyes and said "Yes I do! I have a sciatic pain in my lower back"
I told him that God had told me, because He wanted to heal him. I asked if I could pray for him and he said "Yes".
We waited until he finished the ride and let all of the kids off. Then I walked and asked Zeke and Jaden to come over too. We prayed a simple prayer for 15 seconds - commanding pain to leave and releasing peace into his body. I asked him how he felt. He looked at me (as if he was self analyzing) and said "Its good! Its all gone!" I said "You are not joshing with me are you? I am an Aussie, and I like things straight" He said to me "Its gone! I always have pain when I wear these pants and its all gone!" I gave him a high 5 and thanked Jesus. Bill had to start the ride up again and as we walked away he yelled out "make sure you come back and see us!" As we drove away he was watching for our car and waved with a big smile!
I love how natural the supernatural is. God wants to meet people every day through us... we just have to believe how good we are and how good He is.