After prophecying over some people in an Op-Shop, we saw a black man, sitting on the side of the road at a set of lights. So we crossed the road and began to chat to him. His name was Alex, and his left foot was at least 40cm shorter, with the difference being made up by a large black soled shoe. So we began to pray for his leg to grow out and his hip to be healed. As we prayed, we could all feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. After praying, he felt God's presence and was instantly sober! Then the 2nd year student started to ask him if there was anyone he needed to forgive? To which the 3rd year asked him "What about yourself Alex? Do you need to forgive yourself?"
Alex froze and nodded his head, then we led him in a prayer of forgiveness and the Holy Spirit touched him some more! Then we asked him to say "Holy Spirit, what do you like about me?". After waiting a while, and then asking him "What did he say?", he replied "He said "everything!" To which he began to cry some more.
Then the 3rd year asked him if he had a sore back and how bad the pain was? Alex replied "Yes, right in the middle of my back, its 15/10 sore too!" We were all excited because we knew we were about to see God heal this man! So we prayed, and he got half better, then we prayed again to see it completed. I prayed this time, and said "God I just reach up into heaven now and grab a new back and place it into his body." Instantly the mans back started to pop and crack! The 2nd year said "Ohhh do you feel that? Its popping?" to which Alex replied "Sure thing I feel that! Can you feel that too!"
Alex was completely healed of all back pain! He left rejoicing and praising Jesus for his miracle!
We are hoping to have Alex over for dinner to continue to love him and share Jesus with him
(Pray that we can get in contact with him, thanks!)